Oral Presentation Guidelines

We look forward to your oral presentation in Santa Fe. The following information is offered to help you prepare for your talk. Please read prior to preparing and uploading your presentation.

Presenter Requirements

Presentation Length

  • Each presenter will have 15 minutes total, which includes 10 minutes for the presentation, 3 minutes for audience questions, and 2 minutes to transition to the next speaker. 
  • Moderators will keep time and have signs to help speakers know the minutes remaining in their timeslot. 

Presentation Upload

  • All presenters are expected to upload thier presentation online prior to the conference. We will provide instructions on this webpage and email to all presenters at the end of October. 

Presentation Format

  • Presentations should be a Microsoft Office Powerpoint or PDF file. You can use the default slide size (16:9).
  • The meeting space has free wifi. However, please limit the use of internet during your presentation and have a back-up plan in case the internet is slow or cannot support your needs. 
  • If you plan on playing a video in your PowerPoint, make sure this file is embedded correctly into the Powerpoint. The most common and recommended format is an MP4 video file (.mp4, .mpv, .mov). Other forms of video players like Quicktime, VLC, etc. will not be available.