Code of Ethics

  • All attendees are required to follow AFE’s Code of Ethics.
  • As a reminder, this means all presenters and attendees will
    • conduct themselves in a civil and dignified manner;
    • act professionally and respectfully toward one another;
    • respect the needs, contributions, and viewpoints of others; and
    • give due credit to others for their methods, ideas, or assistance.
  • AFE prohibits
    • abusive language, harassment, or any form of discrimination against another attendee;
    • actual or threatened violence toward any individual or group; and
    • conduct endangering the life, safety, health or well-being of others.

Diversity Statement

The Association for Fire Ecology respects all aspects of people including race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, socio-economic background, age, religion, and ability. We seek to create a learning environment that embraces differences and diversity, in which all members of the fire community feel welcome, safe, and valued. All presenters should review our guidelines for creating inclusive and accessible presentations.

Statement on Traditional Ecological Knowledge

Please ensure that you review statement numbers 4 and 5 in particular, as they relate to sharing TEK at conferences and cultural data sovereignty. More information and resources are available here

  1. AFE recognizes and honors that Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK) is science.
  2. AFE recognizes the historical genocide and abuses that First Nations, Native Americans, and original cultures have suffered following settler colonialism.
  3. AFE recognizes that cultural fire use has often been discounted, disrespected, and criminalized. We are actively working towards rebuilding trust and relationships that support restoring rights to traditional fire stewardship practices and the deep knowledge systems associated with these practices on ancestral lands.
  4. AFE is committed to supporting data sovereignty and asks that those sharing TEK at conferences or in publications first seek permission to do so through formal data sharing agreements.
  5. AFE recognizes that knowledge about cultural fire use and place-based practices is held by many cultures and must not be appropriated or exploited. TEK may not be shared outside of respective cultures or groups without their expressed consent. AFE acknowledges that consent to share TEK by one culture or group does not imply that other cultures allow sharing of their knowledge.
  6. AFE aspires to find common solutions to the fire-related challenges all sectors of society face with wildland fires by respectfully bringing together TEK and western scientific methods of inquiry and ways of knowing.

Ask Questions or Report Concerns

  • For any questions, feedback, or to report issues at the conference, please use one of these methods
    • Visit Registration and speak with AFE staff. They can also offer email addresses for committee members who are willing to speak with you confidentially.
    • Look for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee members wearing blue ribbons on their name tag.
    • Use the comment box near Registration to submit feedback (can be made anonymously).
    • Use this online form. You can submit this information anonymously or provide contact information for a response. Your contact information will be kept confidential.